Where you can find therapy services and more to foster growth, exploration and learning in the child's current stage of development.

welcome to
through play
Areas we can help continue the growth and development of...
Fine Motor Skills
the use of precise and coordinated movements of the fingers and hands.
Visual Motor Integration
the coordination of hand movements based upon the perception of visual information.
formation of upper and lowercase letters, spacing, writing in boundaries, functional grasp patterns on pencil, writing endurance.
School Readiness Skills
maintaining an upright seated position (posutral control), coloring within boundaries, representational drawing, scissor skills
Visual Perceptual Skills
visual memory, spatial relations and position in space, visual scanning and tracking, visual closure, visual discrimination.
Sensory Motor Skills
motor planning, body awareness, tactile discrinimation, auditory discrimination.
Executive Functioning Skills
being able to think, act and solve problems. This includes remembering and retrieving information, solving every day problems, organizational skills, prioritzing, shifting mindsets, task initiation, sequencing and termination.
Activities of Daily Living (Self-Help Skills)
dressing (fastener management, tying shoes, orientation of clothing), utensil use, toothbrushing, toileting.

Who are We?
Hi, we're Erika + Megan
We are two pediatric Occupational Therapists based in NYC & CT!
We started our mOTivate through play journey through providing families and therapists fun + motivating activity ideas on social media to help kids develop new or challenging skills. ​Overtime, we began creating resources filled with our favorite products and items used in therapy sessions; hosted family education sessions for schools; co-hosted sensorimotor enrichment classes; and provided in home occupational therapy sessions.
We continued to grow professionally which led us to bring together a team of occupational therapists who are just as mOTivated as we are to help children and families gain independence with every day activities at home and in school. mOTivate through play's therapists lead in home sessions and meet the child where they are to help foster the continuation of developing skills at their pace - so they can participate in their daily occupations: eating, dressing, playing, exploring, learning + being a kid!
Head to our Contact tab to get started
We are so happy you found us ♡